Marketing 'The Da Vinci Code'
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG134
Case Length : 12 Pages
Period : 2003 - 2006
Organization : -
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note : Available
Countries : Europe, USA
Industry : Media, Entertainment, and Gaming
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"Publishers often stand accused of becoming ever more sophisticated and cynical in their pursuit of creating instant author brands, when ultimately it is as likely to be good old-fashioned personal recommendation that really sells."
- John Bond, Manager, HarperCollins Literary Division,2 in 2005.
"The critics certainly weren't kind to ("Da Vinci") but audiences heard so much about it, so how could they not see it? The controversy and the protests only helped to sell the movie."
- Paul Dergarabedian, President of Exhibitor Relations Co Inc.
4, in 2006.
'The Da Vinci Code' - Breaking New Grounds
On May 19, 2006, 'The Da Vinci Code' motion picture was released in many countries across the world. The motion picture went on to record the second-biggest film debut5 for the opening weekend6 at the global box-office with an estimated US$ 224 million in earnings. The movie was based on the hugely popular novel with the same name, 'The Da Vinci Code,' written by Dan Brown7 (Brown). Though the film received bad reviews by most film critics and faced protests by Christian groups across the world, it did not prevent the movie from achieving box-office success.
Media experts attributed the film's successful opening to the enormous interest among the readers of the novel and the publicity generated due to the protests by religious groups on account of its controversial content.
The novel was a religious fiction thriller, based on a series of clues, which lead to the unraveling of a closely guarded secret about Jesus Christ and Christianity.
The novel captured the interest and imagination of the people by taking them on a quest to unravel secret clues left at a murder scene, analyzing clues in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci,8 leading them through a journey of medieval history with the Knights Templar,9 secret organizations like the Priory of Sion,10 the Opus Dei,11 and a quest for the Holy Grail.12 |
However, the main premise of the novel, that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a bloodline that has survived till date, drew the ire of various Christian groups as it contradicted generally held beliefs in Christianity.
Another reason for the success of this novel, apart from its controversial content, was word of mouth marketing13 approach adopted by the publisher that helped the novel become a huge success. The movie was also marketed in a distinctive way when Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.14 (Sony Pictures) in association with Google Inc.15 (Google) launched the 'Da Vinci Code quest,' an online series of puzzle games based on the theme of the novel (Refer to Exhibit I for details of the 'Da Vinci Code quest').
In addition to Google, Sony Ericsson Communications AB16 (Sony Ericsson) also teamed up with Sony Pictures to promote the motion picture. Sony Ericsson displayed the puzzles on its website and offered prizes to those who could solve them. Eurostar17 also tied up with Sony Pictures in association with government tourist agencies in Britain, France, and Scotland18 to promote the film worldwide and boost tourism in these countries.
Marketers cited the online promo by Google and Sony Pictures and the other promotional activities with Sony Ericsson and Eurostar as another case of buzz marketing or viral marketing that attempted to cash in on the popularity of the novel and to create excitement about the motion picture release.
Marketing 'The Da Vinci Code'
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